Monday, November 12, 2007

New born...

Dunno what I am here to late in the night...staring up into my laptop screen...all set to jot down something...but what???thats exactly what I have been contemplating on since some time now...

Not that I have nothing to write..nor is it that I am not able to put my thoughts to words( though I agree that is some task..)..its just that at this precise moment, there are many things that are racing across my mind at lightning speed...ample choice...making the choice is the problem..:)

Now when it comes to choice, its a very interesting topic in itself...."Choice" a word which makes every person's world...they say its what and how you choose to act at that precise deciding moment that makes or breaks you. But is having so many choices in one's life a good thing....and what about those souls who are left with no choice but to take what is left behind for them n continue to make their lives??

Life would decide...