Monday, March 21, 2011

Writing qualms..!!

Writing ones thoughts down according to me is one of the toughest jobs. There are multiple reasons..

1. Writing needs one’s thoughts to be very structured.

2. Writing makes one commit to one’s thoughts without the comfort of changing minds.

3. Writings makes one stand up and acknowledge one’s thought as their own rather than passing it off as someone else’s brain wave in case things go wrong.

Now that I have jotted down atleast three points as to why writing is difficult, it also gives me a new perspective of my own self. Have I been shying away from writing because of these above points. Was it because of an internal need to have the acknowledgement of the world in general to my writing sense? Well, most probably, the answer is yes, cos I have always been a person trying to fit myself in line with the world in general. Though at one end, I have also been proud of being a rebel with my loved ones.

But shouldn’t this equation be the other way round? Rebel to the world and a saint with loved ones..? Surely, that’s exactly what the world wants now, aint it? All rebels grow, get what they want in life and move ahead while saints stay back where they started...But why am I not able to do so, I wonder…Again, that certainly has a lot to do with one’s comfort zone and I, for one, never like moving out of my comfort zone.

Well, right here, I seem to have convinced myself after a lot of deliberation and a call from the inside to not waste away all my time in dreams that I have taken my first baby step towards moving out of my comfort zone. I have decided to write more often with no qualms what so ever about the world and their skewed opinions…

After all, m also a part of the same world with my own set of skewness , right!! ;)...well, God bless and keep my new found interest rolling..;)

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